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Who We Are

DC Literary Firm provides an extraordinary amount of individual client attention combined with the benefits of full service foreign rights, subsidiary rights, and contracts departments. We house an accounting department equipped to provide forensic royalty and financial analysis, as well as a digital department focusing on the ever-changing technological landscape of contemporary publishing. Home to more than a dozen senior agents and several rising junior agents, we work individually as well as collectively and take full advantage of the unparalleled depth of experience we embody. Some of our agents started here as assistants, while others have joined us from other parts of the business, bringing editorial, book-selling, writing, and legal experience. We also pride ourselves on the stability of our firm. Many of our agents have been here together for more than 20 years, as have many of our clients. DC Literary Firm is a name which reflects our vision for our authors and ourselves. Our goals are long term, and the environment we strive to create is one that invites authors and agents to stay with us for the duration of their careers.

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National and International Representation

DC Literary Firm offers many opportunities to promote your book at leading book fairs in the U.S. and overseas, to gain the attention of buyers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, publishers, librarians and countless other publishing professionals.

These book fairs provide a valuable marketing tool to expose your work to thousands of publishing professionals worldwide. Without a doubt, these book fairs are an active meeting point for top publishers, the leading distributors, and literary agents, who scout for work they want to represent, helping you to gain valuable traction for your book.

Film & Television Rights

FILM RIGHTS: Forbes reported in 2018 that film adaptations of books gross 44% more at the U.K. box office, 51% at the US box office and a full 53% more worldwide than films from original screenplays, according to research commissioned by the Publishers Association and produced by Frontier Economics. In a research published by Indiana University Bloomington, Hollywood is increasingly looking to books for inspiration for the next blockbuster hits. From a business standpoint, it makes total sense because producers can draw on the popularity of a certain book and use that to their advantage when it comes to marketing the film’s release or it could also work the other way around - movies tend to increase boost sales of their source material. But the big question is, "Do you have the idea that can make this work?
That's where we come in!

Coworking Space

Traditional Publication

You’ve written a book. Now what? You’ve self-published it. What’s next? If your goal is to get your published work traditionally acquired, you need to do the following:   

  1. Identify your genre.

  2. Showcase your writing.

  3. Find a literary agent.

  4. Make your book visible in physical stores.

  5. Submit a query letter.

  6. Get a publishing contract!

Everybody can probably do it with their eyes shut, but can you? If YES, you’re good to go. If NO, then you might need our help!

Book Endorsement and Review

As book marketing experts, we understand the immense importance of book reviews. They draw the attention of potential buyers, both consumer and trade, and often lead to a purchase. They can also be used on an advance praise page within a book, posted on a website and social media, and provide validation to an author for work well done. For this reason, many authors and publishers are eager to list their book(s) with us on NetGalley.

NetGalley is a popular online service publicizing upcoming and recent books to more than 100,000 professional readers and reviewers including media, bookstores, librarians, bloggers and educators. NetGalley’s service offers secure DRM encrypted digital e-books and promotional materials to professional readers for potential reviews. Our book marketing experts recommend NetGalley for both new and established authors looking to grow their community, gain valuable reviews and establish their titles among genre-specific reviewers.

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“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”

John Green

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